Two mates by Melanie Prewett

Two mates by Melanie Prewett
Ill. by Maggie Prewett. Magabala Books, 2012. ISBN 9781921248450.
(Ages: 6+) Warmly recommended. Picture book. Aboriginal
themes. Disability. A colourful picture book which shows two friends
playing together is not new, but this story has a different setting
and overlay that will make it instantly endearing to all who pick it
up. The families live in Broome, and the two boys' life together
means a day full of fishing, swimming and collecting bush tucker
which they cook together on coals. Jack and Raf do all sorts of
things and this little book is brim full of their adventures and
excursions. The two boys could be anywhere, playing together,
sharing their company and food, their families and environment but
the setting makes it intensely rich for other readers.
The marvellous country side is brought to life through the
descriptions of their days, and the reader incidentally learns a
great deal of information about Broome and the surroundings as well
as the lifestyles of those who live there.
It is only at the end of the book that Raf's disability is revealed
through a drawing of the two boys, and this gives a touch of
surprise at the physical nature of their activities - there is no
thought that Raf's disability will hold them back. A brief
explanation of spina bifida is given and a double page spread of the
families to which the boys belong ends the book. For a class wanting
a great read to introduce a topic on disability, or about Broome, or
a range of ideas about Indigenous Australia, then this book will
serve the class well, bringing a different perspective on friendship
and togetherness.
Fran Knight