Trouble and the missing cat by Cate Whittle

Ill. by Stephen Michael King. Omnibus Books, 2016. ISBN
(Age: 7+) Recommended. A further adventure with Trouble the dragon
and feisty friend Georgia will delight readers and has universal
appeal. Trouble has been banned from landing on the school's
playground because he broke the asphalt, and can't land on the oval
because he is burning the grass. But riding to school and elsewhere
on Trouble's back is the only way that the family can get around.
And then there is the mystery of Mrs Jones' cat Tibbles, who has
gone missing.
This is a charming story and the reader quickly becomes involves in
the lives of Trouble and Georgia. Whittle's narrative makes it very
easy for the reader to suspend belief about having a dragon for a
friend and the adventures of the two make for an engrossing read.
Georgia is a very clever girl who really enjoys solving mysteries
and puts all her ingenuity and intelligence in solving the mystery
of what has happened to Tibbles, especially as Mrs Jones is missing
him so much. Her compassion is evident as she gives Trouble a
helping hand to overcome his loneliness and her problem solving
skills are phenomenal.
Stephen Michael King's quirky illustrations add an extra dimension
and humour to the beautifully written text.
Readers who enjoy some well written magic realism with their mystery
stories will not be disappointed.
Pat Pledger