Troubadour by Mary Hoffman

Bloomsbury, 2010. ISBN 9780747592525.
(Age 12+) Recommended. Set in 13th century France, it is a time of
great peril for Bertran, a troubadour who witnesses the murder of the
Pope's legate. Realising that this means persecution for the True
Believers (Cathars), he moves from castle to castle warning people of
the probability of war. Elinor, a young noblewoman, believes she is in
love with Bertran, and when faced with having to marry a man many years
her senior, leaves her home with a group of troubadours, disguised as a
boy. Danger encircles both as their homeland becomes a battlefield and
thousands of Cathars are burnt alive.
I love historical novels and reading Troubadour brought alive a period
in history that I knew little about. Rich in detail, Hoffman paints a
horrifying picture of religious persecution and the greed that often
lay behind it. During the period from 1209 and 1229, battles raged and
castles were besieged. Both Christians and Cathars were killed. In one
particularly horrific incident at Beziers, 20,000 citizens were put to
the sword regardless of their faith.
Hoffman uses the journeys of both Bertran and Elinor to show the horror
of the Crusade. The story is told in alternative chapters from the
point of view of these two main characters and along the way the reader
becomes very familiar with historical figures from the time and the
feudal system. Notes and a glossary at the back also provide extra
information that I consulted from time to time and read carefully when
I had finished the book.
The historical events overshadow any romance in the book. Indeed I kept
reading to see if Bertran and Elinor would ever manage to catch up with
each other but in a time when refugees are streaming from warfare, that
was not very probable. However both are so well described that I felt I
knew them very well. Bertran's religious beliefs underpinned his
character, and Elinor comes of age as she learns the poetry of the
travelling troubadour group and then uses it as a noblewoman.
This book will appeal to the thoughtful reader who likes to learn about
history, and will challenge those readers who enjoyed the Stravaganza
series by the same author.
Pat Pledger