Troll Mountain by Matthew Reilly

Pan Macmillan Australia, 2015. ISBN 9781743537053
(Age: 9+) Highly recommended. The Northsmen are a proud race. They
have a ruling family and laws and tales from the past they must
follow. The mountain trolls have ruled over them forever. The trolls
require food sacrifices and for this the river is allowed to flow. A
sickness has swept the land and it is said the trolls have the cure.
The prince takes a small party of men to plead with the trolls for
the magical cure but they do not return. Raf, our main character, is
17 and questions everything. This puts him in the firing line for
ridicule as the Northsmen follow traditions - you do not question or
challenge the ruling family! When his beloved sister falls ill with
the sickness, Raf is determined to steal the cure and save her and
their tribe. Raf is headed for an adventure of a lifetime where
rules will be challenged and he is able to determine his own path.
Will the hermit in the Badlands be a friend or a foe? Will
befriending a lone troll help Raf and his sister? Can a skinny 17
year old boy take on the king of the trolls?
This quick moving, descriptive story will engage readers as Raf
battles trolls and proves he is a lot smarter than those around him.
With Ko as a guiding hand, a passion for change and the ability to
think of others, Raf will get the elixir for his tribe. The nasty
prince will not steal the glory!
This book is highly recommended for boys aged 9+ but I'm sure most
girls will enjoy it too. The adventure will engage reluctant readers
and show them they can make a change and that old ways aren't always
the best way. It would be a great class novel to discuss feelings
during the Child Protection curriculum, navigate the structure of a
narrative and support the writing of adventure stories.
Kylie Kempster