Trapped by Michael Northrop

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Atom, 2011. ISBN 9781907411366.
When it starts to snow on Tuesday morning, all 15 year old Scotty Weems is concerned about is his basketball game being cancelled. However, as the snow continues to fall relentlessly and begins to accumulate at an unthinkable pace, Scotty soon discovers that missing the game is the least of his worries.
Trapped by Michael Northrop is the gripping story of a group of teenagers who find themselves stuck inside their school during perhaps the worst blizzard on record in New England. Scotty recounts the week he and six of his classmates were trapped without adults, phone reception, heat or power, resulting in the thrilling tale of their fight for survival. As time progresses and snowfall rises, frustration grows and friendships are challenged, until a shattering event paves the way to a crucial decision.
From Elijah, the loner with a hidden personality, to Les, the school bully who may not actually be as bad as he seems, Northrop explores each character's personality in depth, engendering the reader to empathize with and relate to each and every one of the trapped students. This novel not only follows the seven students' bout for survival, but also covers the countless issues faced by teenagers every day, such as friendship, bullying, crushes and zits!
Scotty's detailed perspective makes for an exceptional novel, taking the reader on a rollercoaster ride of emotion, until they too feel trapped in Tattawa Regional High School during the week-long blizzard. This fast-paced novel contains all the necessities - action, drama, humour, conflict, even romance, engaging the reader from the very first page and staying with them long after the very last!
Lucymarie Silvestri (Student)