Trans mission : My quest to a beard by Alex Bertie

Hachette, 2017. ISBN 9781526360687
(Age: Adolescent) This well written and easy to understand
autobiography goes a long way to helping you understand the
struggles facing transgender men and women.
Bertie's honest account of his childhood, the difficulties he faced
with family, peers and professionals is eye opening and informative.
Born and raised as a girl, Alex Bertie enjoyed his childhood as a
tomboy, unaware of the gender conflict that grew with him as he got
older and for a long time unable to put a name to the pain it was
causing within him.
A keen youtube blogger, Bertie shares his journey of self-discovery
and how he had to navigate the medical system in the UK to find
doctors who were at least knowledgeable and even sympathetic about
his condition. Waiting until he was legally an adult to access the
drugs and surgery that would help to make his body more masculine.
Only in his early 20s, Bertie's advice is sound and mature as only
those who have experienced personal trauma and come through with a
positive outlook, can give.
Written in a pragmatic and uplifting tone, I found Bertie's story
interesting and educational. He uses everyday language to explain
the medical procedures available and the correct terminology that
helped him name his feelings as he came to terms with being trapped
in the wrong body.
Although I believe everyone would benefit by reading this
autobiography, I think his writing style and the layout is targeting
Joyce Crawford