Traitor's revenge by Andrew Hammond

CRYPT. Headline, 2012. ISBN: 978 0 7553 7822 7.
Strange things are happening in York and London. They're emerging
from the shadows and are after something. A voice that seems to
becoming from the darkness is being listened too by one man. This is
not case for any normal group of counter-intelligence to
investigate. This is a case for CRYPT; a group of cunning teenage
agents who use their extra sensory perception and high-tech gadgets
to investigate crimes that the police cannot solve. CRYPT will need
to keep their wits about them to survive, for what's in the shadows
want them out of their way.
I loved this book! It shows the reasons to be afraid of the shadows
but also the wonders they hide - which I love. The characters are
amusing and - despite their age - are strong-minded and wilful. Bex
and Jud are my favourite agents and their friendship is amazing to
read. The dark corners always held something and were in great
detail. Each page held something of importance and was easy to
follow. The changes of scenes in the book did not make it confusing
but kept it all tied together. It was a page turner to say the
Cecilia Richards (student)