Totally Twins - Model Mania by Aleesha Darlison

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New Frontier Publishing, 2010. ISBN 978 1 321042409.
(Age: 8-11) Highly recommended. Meet Portia and Persephone, 10 year old twins, who are as different as chalk and cheese. Portia is self-centred and wants to model. Persephone is thoughtful, observant and very tolerant. Totally Twins, Model Mania is the story of the twin girls and the events in their life.
This is the second book in the series and it is written, like a diary, from the perspective of Persephone as she observes her sister's first experiences as a model. Persephone introduces herself and her family so there is no need to have read the first 'diary' to understand the characters.
At first I wasn't sure what the plot was but as I kept reading I realised it was a story with a moral and how our dreams can get in the way of things that just may be a little bit more important - like friends. Portia becomes so engrossed in her modelling jobs and the possibility of being famous that she forgets about her true friends and doesn't see those so-called friends who are really using her.
Highly recommended for 8 to 11 year old girls who would be able to relate to the things the girls go through as well as see the funny moments the twins go through.
Kylie Kempster