Toppling by Sally Murphy

Walker Books, 2010. ISBN 9781921529 429.
John's world revolves round his school friends, particularly Dom, and
his hobby, dominoes and toppling. The boys are in year six and their
teacher has given them an assignment to do which involves research,
collating information and finally presenting it in class at the end of
the term. Teams are set up, projects defined and they are off, but Dom
and John are wary of the school bully, Ky. In class one day, Dom is
very ill and taken home by his parents. The next few days John does not
see his best friend, and when someone does talk about him, it appears
that something is wrong. Eventually John is told that Dom is very ill
and in hospital with cancer.
John is extremely worried for his friend, and forbidden to visit him,
takes himself off to his room where he builds domino runs for toppling.
Eventually he is allowed to visit and initially reticent, their
conversation flows as the two friends exchange news about what they are
doing and what is happening to them.
A warm hearted story which gives information about children in hospital
and how to comfort the ill and their friends, this tale will have
appeal to middle primary students. Told in blank verse, the short
sentences resonate with layers of meaning as the two boys find their
way around each other, the hospital, the disease and their classmates,
including the bully.
Fran Knight