Tom Gates: Everything's amazing (sort of) by Liz Pichon

Scholastic, 2012. ISBN 1407124412.
Recommended for 8-12 years. Tom Gates is back in the third novel of
his adventures. Fans of Tom Gates will love that the format is the
same. Lots of line illustrations, a few sentences on each page and
Tom's eternal struggle with his older sister Delia.
In this novel Tom and his mate Derek enter Rooster the dog into the
local dog show, Tom has a birthday, Granny Mavis still cooks exotic
food combinations and plans are being made for the school disco.
Throughout the book Tom gets in and out of trouble and just tries to
survive as a fifth grader.
These are highly sought after books at my school. They are easy to
read but have an entertaining storyline and great little sketches.
Wimpy Kid readers are particularly keen to read Tom Gates.
Jane Moore