To the Goldfields by Rachel Tonkin

Walker Books Australia, 2014. ISBN 9781922179883.
(Age: 8+) Recommended. Gold rush, Australian History. Set in
Victoria at the time of the Gold Rush this richly illustrated story
tells of James and his family moving from Melbourne to Forrest Creek
near Bendigo, to join his father as he mines for gold. The sights
and sounds of the times are brilliantly recreated here as we see the
squalor of the living conditions, noise and edgy lifestyle of those
who risk all to find gold.
Tonkin's illustrations showcase a goldfield covered with tents and
makeshift buildings, slab huts with canvas rooves, held down by
planks of wood. The numerous men mine with pick and shovel, cradle,
gold pans an explosive, while the women trade, bargain, look after
children and sometimes help the men in their toils. While
acknowledging the work of S T Gill, Snell and von Gerard, Tonkin
also nods to the many goldfield artists represented in museums and
art galleries around Australia. She has used their work to
authenticate her pictures of the gold fields enabling younger
readers to understand what happened there.
Tension comes in the form of troopers, and bushrangers, thieves and
the weather, each adding pressure to the many men hoping to return
to their old lives, richer men.
Walker Books has been republishing award winners from Australia's
backlist of books for the past little while. Rachel Tonkin's award
winning trio, What was the war like Grandma, To the
goldfields, and Papa and the olden days are a welcome
addition to this venture as many copies in school libraries are now
15 years old and need replacing, and also presenting anew to a new
bunch of readers and teachers to be used in classrooms where history
is taught.
Fran Knight