To Hold the Bridge by Garth Nix

Allen & Unwin, 2015. ISBN 9781743316559
(Age: 13+) Highly recommended. Short stories. Fantasy. Science
fiction. This is an intriguing collection of short stories that will
be sure to beguile fans of Garth Nix, of whom I am one. It is a
mixture of fantasy, science fiction, horror, vampires and even has a
murder mystery to solve. The stories are gathered under the
following headings: Creatures of Darkness and Light, Standing up to
be Counted, Check your faint heart at the door, A wink and a nod and
Under other skies.
The highlight of the collection is the first in the book and a
novella from the Old Kingdom, To hold the bridge, and will
be eagerly read by people who love the Abhorsen series. The young
protagonist, Morghan, has been left a share certificate in the
Bridge Company and desperately wants to work as a guard. He is a
diffident young man, easy to like and when danger threatens, he has
to overcome his fears and defend the bridge from invaders. I really
enjoyed this and it is one that I will return to, to reread about
loyalty, courage and overcoming odds.
Vampire weather is Nix's nod to the obsession with vampires
in some young adult fiction and it is frightening and very thought
provoking. Amos belongs to a closeted community that won't allow
modern medicine including vaccinations against vampire bites, and
the only freedom that he is allowed, is to go to the road to collect
the mail. One day he meets a young girl there and even though he is
not supposed to talk to any women or girls, she strikes up a
conversation with him. I cannot put in any more information without
adding spoilers - this is one that must be read to fully enjoy the
surprises and dilemmas that Nix provides. Another one with vampires
at its core is Infestation, equally poignant and heart
This is a great collection to read from cover to cover and the
twists in the stories make them very memorable. It also would be a
good book to have to dip into for moments when a reader wants
something short, interesting, and unique to read or to read aloud in
a class.
Pat Pledger