To brave the seas by David McRobbie

Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 2013. ISBN 9781743313077.
(Age: 12-15) Recommended. Adam Chisholm has grown up near Liverpool,
the busiest seaport in 1940's Britain, so it is no wonder that ships
have always been his passion. With his country at war, it is also no
wonder that 15 year old Adam chooses to sign up for the Merchant
Navy, to do his part for the war effort, especially given that his
beloved mother has recently died.
And so the story of Adam's sea adventures begins. Over the next few
months Adam will sail on an Atlantic convoy, face seasickness and
shipwreck, help to salvage a ship and take part in the destruction
of a submarine. As the ship's 'Peggy' he will learn how to keep a
mess tidy and how to ferry meals across a slippery deck to satisfy
the hunger of his fellow sailors. He will also discover a whole new
vocabulary of shipping terms, which he must learn, if he is to obey
the orders he is given on board.
Whilst Adam is a remarkably resilient lad and a faithful recorder of
events, he is inclined to tell his tale in a rather matter of fact
manner. So whilst there is plenty of action, there is a surprising
lack of drama or emotion in this story, despite the wartime
setting. However, what does come through quite strongly is the
sense of mateship that develops between the sailors during their sea
voyages; the camaraderie and humour that they use to relieve the
stress and tension of being at war.
Teenage boys are sure to find this book entertaining and quite an
eye opener. It certainly gives an intriguing insight into ships and
seafaring as well as life in Britain under the duress of
war. The inclusion of muted images at the start of each
chapter (including maps and posters of the era) and a glossary of
ship terms at the end, also help to suggest the veracity of the
All in all, an entertaining, if not a compelling, read.
Deborah Marshall