Timmy the ticked off pony: Bite me by Magda Szubanski

Scholastic, 2020. ISBN: 9781743832172.
Recommended. This is the second book in the series by this funny and
well loved Australian star and follows Timmy
the ticked off pony and the poo of excitement.
In this edition Timmy is trying to rebuild his reputation after the
awful events of the first book 'The poo of excitement', and finding
out how powerful friendship can be.
I thought that this book was a really good follow-on from the first,
however Magda has successfully written this book as a standalone and
readers will be able to use her recaps as a good foundation for
knowing what has already happened.
As with the first book, I love the illustrations and think they are
extremely funny and engaging for the reader. I love the topics
covered in this book - friendship, embarrassment, emotion and of
course poo!
I gave this book to my 10 year old son and this is his review:
"I thought this book was very funny, just like the first one. Timmy
is pony who becomes the most hated in the world, so he needs to try
and change that and get people to like him.
I don't have a favourite part, as I think all of the story was
funny. This book is easy to read and would be really good for
younger kids who have just learnt to read longer books. I did really
like the pictures, and think the illustrator did the best job. Timmy
is hilarious and I think his character is cool. Most kids 6-9 years
old would think this book is funny and like to read it. Older kids
like me could read it to their younger sisters or brothers. 4 out of
5 stars!"
Lauren Fountain