Timeless by Kelly Canby

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A treatise on the concept of time for the very young, this brightly illustrated book gives readers an insight into an array of platitudes and sayings that have to do with time. With parents too busy to give their son, Emit, some of their time, he goes off to try and figure out time for himself. His name, time spelt backwards is a clue to the varieties of time related words and phrases that will be encountered as this book is devoured. And certainly forms part of the underlying humour.

His parents and siblings are always busy: so busy they have no time for Emit, and are always running out of it, losing track of it or letting it run through their fingers. Searching for more hours in the day, Emit has a go at solving their problem. He remembers ‘time flies’ and tries to capture it with his net, but to no avail. He has been told that ‘time passes you by’ and so seeks it out without success. He has been told that ‘time is precious’ so checks out the museum, art galleries and banks to find it without finding it at all.

Several more sayings complete this wonderful picture book, capturing the things we say with interest and humour. It is when Emit goes into a shop to ‘’buy some time’ that the shopkeeper tell is him a simple truth, ‘you have to make it’. So he gets his family together to make some ‘quality time’. Time is what you make it after all and how you use it is up to you.

Children will laugh out loud as sayings such as ‘time flies’ and ‘quality time’ are illustrated, giving an understanding of the meaning behind that saying, but also a humorous look at its application furthering the hunt for time.

The ink and pencil illustrations are stunning, capturing the frantic way that Emit’s parents and siblings spend their time, the humour behind his searches, and finally putting by quality time with his family. I love the sketchy way in which the images are drawn, underlining the speed at which time flies, contrasting Emit with his family with their scarves at right angles to their faces, and always involved with a huge array of things to do. Each of the first few pages is exhausting, covered as they are by the ways in which the family uses up its time. Readers will recognise some of the ways in which their own families use their time. Dad for example is surrounded by technology, paper overflowing from his computer table from the various printers while Mum is a whirlwind in the kitchen, using her wok there as a foil to spending time with Emit. And his siblings are stuck to their screens. Colourful illustrations cover most pages and full of wit and humour, will keep eager eyes searching the detail and talking about the sayings with their classmates.

The endpapers offer another level of humour with puns on the names of business owners and shops, all to do with time. Readers will love working out the pun and enjoy making up some of their own. Teacher's notes and an activity are available from the publisher.

Themes: Humour, Time, Puns, Family, Quality time, Relationships.

Fran Knight