Time Riders: the doomsday code by Alex Scarrow

Puffin, 2011.
Recommended. Time travel, adolescent. Time Lords, the Holy Grail,
Knights Templar, Richard the Lionheart and his brother Prince John
and of course, Robin Hood set against a backdrop of impending
environmental disaster, this story has it all. It might seem as if
Alex Scarrow has taken all the elements of popular fantasy, Science
Fiction and English mythology and put them through the blender. You
might, justifiably, dread the result. Scarrow, however, has achieved
a highly readable thriller, full of action, adventure, mystery and
humour, all set in a very believable historical context.
Three teenage protagonists, all drawn from different eras and places
in time, come together in a Time Team under the avuncular eye of an
absent controller. These very recognisably normal teenagers form the
most secret of secret societies destined to spend their lives
correcting 'historical contamination' and ensuring history remains
'correct'. Third book of a series, Liam, Maddi and Sal and their
indomitable 'meat robots'- superhuman beings with superfast
computers in their brains grown to order to protect and support the
Team, travel through time to protect us and stop time travel from
destroying the world.
In this story a desperate stow away from a future Earth, dying
from global warming and ecosystem collapse, steals a battle robot
and sets in play a turn of events which allows the French to take
control of England and thus changing everything about the world as
we know it.
It may sound far-fetched and extreme Science Fiction, but Scarrow
has clearly understood and vividly painted the politics and daily
life of early medieval Europe. While this is a highly entertaining
and thought-provoking story it can be a little uneven with some
clumsy language construction followed by some beautiful metaphors.
Alex Scarrow's 'other job' as a computer games designer has clearly
led into the development of the ideas as well as the digital
material which supports the series. The YouTube downloads, and an
online game and blogs will ensure this story will appeal to young
fantasy readers, but it does deserve a wide readership. The
portrayal of the Middle Ages in this could add significantly to
students understanding of this time period as they undertake the
Year 8 Australian History Curriculum. Teacher notes are provided on
the website for the first two books in the series and cover issues
such as 'Genetic Engineering' and 'What makes us Human'.
Diana Warwick