Tigerfish by David Metzenthen

Penguin, 2014. ISBN 9780143568421.
Themes: Poverty and Disadvantage; Violence; Friendship;
Perseverence; Hope and Hopelessness; Abuse. One of the values of
literature is that it gives the reader an opportunity to 'walk a
mile in the shoes' of a character and see the world through their
eyes. Tigerfish gives us the opportunity of walking in the
shoes of several young teens that live in a tough working class
western Melbourne suburb - in Western Bulldogs territory. Their view
of the world has limited horizons, and we see the impact of poverty,
social dysfunction, educational disadvantage and violence as the
characters look ahead to an uncertain future. Into this world
arrives Ariel, a victim of tragedy, and a resident of perhaps the
worst house in one of the worst streets, in a suburb that has one
shining light - a shopping Mall. Her strength despite her
circumstances, and her friendship with Ryan and Evan give a sense of
hope in what could be a very 'hopeless' setting. The school
experience of Ryan and Evan is both violent and yet mundane. A
fellow student causes them distress, but even here we gain
understanding of the terrible circumstances of this aggressive and
abusive antagonist.
The author reflects the language choices of this social environment
with common expletives (but with some restraint considering the
frequency that the 'f' bomb would usually be launched). What
Metzenthen has been able to do is reveal the motivations of those
who live surrounded by hopelessness. The romance with Ariel and
growing concern for her family, the loyalty within Ryan's family,
friendships that reveal caring attitudes and the bright moments when
people show that they can overcome the dark clouds of disadvantage
are powerful reminders of humanity at its best. This is a powerful
book, but very uncomfortable and confronting to read because of the
challenges of disadvantage that it reveals.
Carolyn Hull