Three by the sea by Mini Grey

Jonathan Cape, 2010. ISBN 978-0224083621.
(Ages 5+) Recommended. Cat, Dog and Mouse live in harmony and
contentment, successfully dividing household duties between them.
However, one day a stranger arrives, a salesman from a mysterious
company called 'The Winds of Change'. The Wolf salesman sets about
sowing the seeds of doubt and discontent in the minds of the three
friends. After all, why does Dog insist on planting bones in the garden
when a few herbs could make everything so much tastier? And must Mouse
always cook with cheese as the sole ingredient? As for Cat, well he
spends more time sleeping than cleaning house.
All of a sudden the three friends are arguing and complaining. Mouse,
in a fit of pique decides to leave home. It is only when his life is in
grave danger that his friends forget their quarrel and with a bit of
teamwork save the day. However, the winds of change have already blown
into this household and some things do indeed change for the better.
Even young children can understand the problems of being stuck in a
rut. When I read this with a Year 3 class there was plenty of talk
about how change can seem scary but often ends up being a good thing.
There was also lots of discussion about the importance of friendship
and tolerance.
I'm a big fan of Mini Grey and this is a delightful story, with plenty
of visual jokes, perfect for sharing and poring over. It allows
children to talk about quite complex and abstract ideas and put a voice
and a name to different feelings. Great fun and thought provoking too,
what more can we ask for?
Claire Larson