Three by Stephen Michael King

Scholastic, 2019. ISBN: 9781760664053. 32pp.
(Age: 4+) Highly recommended. In a world where he sees creatures
with two legs or four or six and eight, even twelve, Three hops and
skips through life, wondering at the creatures he sees, hoping that
they stay safe in the city where he lives.
He is pleased that those with six legs live underground away from
the stamping feet, happy for the eight legs to live in webs above
the traffic; he is thankful he has no more legs than he can count,
and is happy his legs are no longer than they need be.
But one day he skips out of the city to a place where there are
fewer cars and here he finds animals with four legs and two horns, a
bird with two legs that lays eggs, a furry animal with two large
ears and even larger feet. But his best find is Fern a girl who gets
down on her hands and knees and lifting one arm, pretends to have
three legs, just like Three. She introduces him to other creatures
he has not seen before: a hopping two legs, a flying four legs and
even a no legs. Fern takes him inside to meet her mother and brother
and together they make four.
This is a gloriously endearing book, one that will make every reader
feel warm inside.
The story of friendship is outstanding. Fern and her family take
Three in without question, he readily becomes part of the family,
eating pancakes on Saturday, dressing up with the brother and
singing with Fern. He has filled a spot in their lives just as he
has found a family to call his own. And the rounding off of his
three legs to make a foursome is a wonderful image for the readers
to think about.
Counting the legs on the animals will tickle younger readers, as
they take in Three's lack of a fourth leg, noting that he can do
what he wants without the benefit of a fourth leg. They will thrill
at the creatures in the story, working out what animal they may be
from the number of legs, taking note of where they live.
King's detailed streetscapes, reflect the city through buildings and
cars and people, but also the little animals that Three spots under
the gaze of the people walking by. It begs the readers to look more
closely at their environment, urging them not to miss things that
are going on beneath their feet. In the country setting too, readers
will begin to notice more than the text offers as they peruse each
page more closely.
This multi-layered story with its wonderfully evocative watercolour
illustrations, will be a often repeated read-aloud in homes,
classrooms and libraries.
Themes: Dogs, Friendship, Legs, Family, Counting, Animals, Cities,
Fran Knight