This is my song by Richard Yaxley

Scholastic, 2017. ISBN 9781760276140
(Age: 12+) Recommended. Jews. Holocaust. Czeck Republic. Canada.
Music. In the 1940's Rafael Ullman is sent to Terezin, a Jewish
ghetto, with his family. His father was a professor in German
Literature at Prague University but this did not save him from the
fate of many Jews in Europe during World War Two.
This story is told by Rafael as an older man as he lies dying. He
has not told much of his story in the past. But we hear of the
privations suffered in the ghetto before they are sent to Auschwitz.
Through it all, it is music which keeps Rafael alive, as he becomes
a member of one of the orchestras set up in the camp.
No reader can be unaffected by a tale set in Nazi Germany, and it is
with some easing of the emotional drain that the next two sections
of the story are set in Canada and Australia, as another generation
lives on. In Canada we meet lonely Anna Ullman, Rafael's daughter,
and then in present time, the grandson, Joe Hawker, in Australia.
Music links the three generations as they find their way in a world
devoid of stability. Anna was not allowed music in the home and she
and her mother secretly played Beethoven's Fifth Symphony when
Rafael was out of the way. Only when he dies in Australia, does his
grandson, Joe, see the tattooed number on his arm. Joe is learning
singing and feels that his voice is robotic, but finding out more
about his grandfather and then finding a song written by him and his
friend in the ghetto, inspires him to sing with love and
Fran Knight