This is a book! No wifi needed! by Felicity McLean

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Ill. by Georgie Wilson. Piccolo Nero, 2017. ISBN 9781760640132
(Age: 3-5) Themes: Books and reading, Technology. Cleverly designed to feel and look like a tablet computer, Felicity McLean's picture book This is a Book! No wifi needed! explores the differences between engaging with a paperback or hardcover story and accessing of digital data. With bold statements and large easy to read directions, this is an amusing story to share with a youngster, a reminder of the wonder of books not just eBooks or apps. This sassy little girl is quick to dismiss the real object; she has very definite opinions: books are boring, they are for babies and grandparents, not for her. They have been around forever, she only wants to play with her iPad. After observing others enjoying them, and a little help from her grandpa and a torch, her attitude begins to change. Reading in her tent at night becomes a fun activity. She begins to understand books can provide endless opportunities and there are thousands of them waiting for her to explore.
Georgie Wilson's enjoyable mixed media illustrations show the freckle-faced girl with her expressive attitude, surrounded by images of real toys and antique books set against layered backgrounds and white spaces. This is a book is just right for sharing with toddlers and preschoolers who will enjoy repeating the bold words and statements.
Rhyllis Bignell