Things a map won't show you edited by Susan La Marca and Pam Macintyre

(Ages 11+) Recommended. Short story collection. Subtitled, Stories
from Australia and beyond this tantalising collection of short
stories, poetry and a graphic story is just what is needed for the
classroom and is presented with an eye catching cover, sure to have
'grab me' appeal. With stories from favourite writers such as Sonya
Hartnett, Chris Wheat, Paul Jennings and Michael Pryor, the mix is
intoxicating. One story from Ruth Starke tells of the NIPS team
going to play a team in a refugee community, learning that playing
the game is far more important than losing on purpose. Another from
Ursula Dubosarsky tells of being sick on Australia Day, another from
Oliver Phommavanh shows us a blind date with Wendy, while Paul
Jenning's story tells of the sale of a dozen roses.
Stories by Pat Lowe and Jimmy Pike sit alongside verse stories by
Doug McLeod and Jane Godwin, while a story from New Guinea by Samson
Tavatt will intrigue. I laughed out loud at Chris Wheat's
instructions from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, on
how to kiss, and shed a tear for the bandy legged cat in Pat Lowe's
story, Yinti's kitten, and the humour in the verse story of Mary
standing on her head, by Jane Godwin impelled me read it again out
Altogether a surprising mix of works that will dazzle and amaze
readers in middle school, these will be well used as a basis for
discussion, models for their own writing or just to read a favourite
author. This is a stand out collection and will serve the needs of
teachers looking for an engaging set of stories to have in the
Fran Knight