There's a lion in my cornflakes by Michelle Robinson

Ill. Jim Field. Bloomsbury, 2014. ISBN 9781408845608.
(Age: Preschool-Yr 2)This book starts in a most unusual way - a
warning to ignore any messages the reader might see about collecting
cereal packet coupons! And the warning is based on experience
because after making umpteen trips to the supermarket and spending a
whole year's pocket money, and even though it meant they had to eat
cornflakes for breakfast lunch and tea until there were no
cornflakes left, Eric and his brother Dan finally had enough coupons
to qualify for the lion on the packet. Oh, the things they could do
with a free lion... if it ever arrived! They waited and waited and
waited and even though it seemed everyone else had received theirs,
by Sunday they were still waiting.
Come Monday, it looks like their waiting is over - but it is just
the start of the problem!
Told from Eric's point of view, this is a very funny story that
really amplifies the meaning of 'Be careful what you wish for.' Who
knew that something as innocent as collecting coupons and cards
could have such an outcome! Accompanied by illustrations that are as
wacky as the text, this went from a first-read to a favourite with
Miss 8 and Miss 3 (who are avid collectors of supermarket cards)
literally overnight! They loved the punchline at the end, and then
went into hoots of laughter when we turned the page and saw what was
happening!! Miss 8, who is now such an avid reader that she will
even read the cornflakes packet, asked me if I had any other stories
by the same author so we checked out the website and now
have some on order!
Barbara Braxton