There is something weird in Santa's beard by Chrissie Krebs

Random House Australia, 2016. ISBN 9780143780861
'Santa has a sweet tooth,
he loves bits of cake
He's glad to sample any treat
that Mrs Claus will bake.'
So it's no wonder that he gobbles up all the sweet treats that are
left for him as he makes his way around the homes on that special
night of the year. Biscuits, fruit mince pies, soft drink, crisps,
candy canes, bubble gum - he enjoys them all. But when he finally
gets home he is so tired that he goes to sleep without having a bath
or brushing his teeth, and because it has been such an exhausting
journey he sleeps for days and weeks and months! And when he finally
does wake up there is a nasty strange beast growing in his beard -
one that defies all Santa's methods for getting rid of it until the
reindeer have an idea...
This is a funny, clever story-in-rhyme that will appeal to children
who like the fact that gross and dirty things can shock adults and
make them shudder as their imaginations run wild. And if it can
happen to Santa because he is too tired/lazy/not interested in
having a wash then...
Barbara Braxton