There are cats in this book by Viviane Schwarz

Walker, 2008. ISBN
(Age 3+) Highly recommended. What an innovative novelty book! The story
starts with the text on the inside section of the dust jacket,
instructing the reader to 'Come play with the cats in this book, Tiny,
Moonpie and Andre' and instead of a title page, the text reads: 'The
cats aren't on this page'. The reader is invited to turn the pages and
play with the cats, winding wool, exploring cardboard boxes, having a
pillow fight and being flooded with fish.
The brightly coloured cats are adorable and Schwarz has drawn each one
with its own identifiable face and character. The book has strong flaps
that lift and the cats involve the reader in what's happening by
requesting that a page be turned, or a cat be helped.
With wonderful illustrations that are bold and brightly coloured, a
story that pulls the reader in and the fun of a pop-up book, this is a
winner as a read aloud, a bedtime story and a beginning reader. Walker
Books have even provided knitting patterns for each of the cats!
Pat Pledger