Thea Stilton and the Star Castaways by Thea Stilton

Scholastic, 2011. ISBN 978 0 545 22774 2.
(Age 9+) Thea Stilton and the Star Castaways follows the same layout
as the popular series Geronimo Stilton. Thea is Geronimo's sister
and is off on her own adventures. This story is part of a series but
you don't need to have read others to know what is happening as the
book has an introduction and profiles and pictures of the
characters. Thea Stilton is the narrator and she tells the story of
our main characters - Nicky, Colette, Pamela, Paulina and Violet.
They call themselves the Thea Sisters and are learning to be
journalists. The girls are chosen to go on the first space flight to
a resort on the moon and after much preparation, the team including
investors, the girls and other journalists, set off for the moon
resort. Despite the excitement, things go wrong at the resort and
the girls are left to solve a mystery. Who is sabotaging the trip
and the resort? Why are the robot servants attacking? Will they get
back to Earth safe and sound?
The best part about this series is all the characters are mice and
they use a lot of language relating to that eg.' .
. . his mind is sharper than a block of cheddar',
'Fabumouse' and ' . . . chuckling under his whiskers
. . . ' The larger font used throughout the story makes
it interesting and eye catching for younger readers too as many of
the adjectives are written in colourful font to match the action and
the colourful cartoons add to the enjoyment. I would recommend this
book to girls who are independent readers aged 9+. A great way to
get reluctant readers reading longer stories.
Kylie Kempster