The youngest Templar: Keeper of the grail by Michael P. Spradlin

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Book 1. Harper Collins. ISBN 978 0 732 29070 2.
(Age 11-14) Recommended. With strong reminiscences of The Da Vinci Code this first book is well written and tantalises the reader into wanting to hear the story continue. It's fantasy with the safe keeping of the Holy Grail the centre of the plot. Sixteen year old Tristan, who has lived in a monastery for he does not know who his parents are, is taken as a squire by Sir Thomas (who we suspect knows his background), to the Crusade with the Knights Templar and is eventually entrusted with the treasure. He is pursued by Sir Hugh, a callous cruel knight, who knows more of his background than Tristan himself. Tristan, with his friend Robard and Maryam flee on a sailing ship, but during the storm Tristan is tossed overboard and there ends the first book.It's strong adventure with an historical background. The reader will look forward to the next book.
Sue Nosworthy