The Yalda Crossing by Noel Beddoe

University of Queensland Press, 2012. ISBN 978 0 7022 49396
(Age: Senior secondary) The purpose of Noel Beddoe's novel is to
revisit the massacre of members of the Wiradjuri people by white
settlers on the Murrumbidgee River near what is now Narrandera in
the early 1840s. He does this through the eyes of Young James the
adolescent son of one of the settlers Captain James Beckett. Brought
up in England by a loving grandfather on whose death he is
mistreated by uncles, James is whisked away to Australia by his
father who he always refers to as The Captain and who he regards
with a mixture of fear and awe 'I could not look in his face and
speak of myself'. They land in Sydney and use the profits from
selling their cargo to buy provisions for a journey over the
mountains to settle Yalda Crossing, land, outside those designated
open to settlement by the government. The group endure hardships
while establishing themselves but things really start to go wrong
when they expand onto the local people's sacred lands.
The novel admirably leads us to consider the pressures experienced
by both the native people and the inexperienced settlers which led
to disputes, misunderstandings and in this case a massacre. The
settlement prospered but for Young James the cost was too high and
he spent the rest of his life haunted by it. Much as I admired the
work I found it difficult to accommodate the structure of the book
where the 'present' (Sydney 40 years later presented in italics) is
interleaved with what are purportedly journals written at the time.
I also found little character development, even accepting the
emotional stunting their backgrounds might suggest, which made it
difficult to relate to the moral dilemmas they faced. That said this
is still a valuable reflection on a rarely examined aspect of
Australian history suitable for all senior secondary students.
Sue Speck