The worst girlfriend in the world by Sarra Manning

Atom, 2014. ISBN 9781907411014.
Recommended for readers 13+. Sarra Manning's The Worst
Girlfriend in the World was a fresh and fun novel that
delivered the right touch of humor and wit. This book relinquished
an exciting tale that any teenage girl could relate to. I found
myself sighing and giggling at all the right places and repeated as
if a mantra, 'I would have done that to!'.
The tale follows a sixteen year old college girl named Franny, or
adoringly dubbed Franny B and her heart-breaker best friend, Alice.
Although her best friend has been titled as, 'The Worst Girlfriend
in the World', Franny is a one-guy type of gal who has been
obsessively pining after hopeless rockstar, Louis for what seems
like forever. The drama begins when Alice sets her sights on Louis
and his tousled hair which immediately causes a bitter rivalry
between the best friends. Determined to win Louis's heart, Franny
spots an easy advantage named Francis, or nicknamed 'Sneering Studio
Tech' but what she didn't know that friendship would spark between
them. Before long, Franny second guesses her cosmic love for Louis
and the strength of her friendship with Alice.
As each chapter begins, we are met with Franny B's cleverness and
enthusiasm for everything fashion. Franny had truly turned out to be
a loveable and comical character that any girl could connect to. The
author grants us innovative and refreshing characters that literally
could bounce off the page and become reality.
Teaching this novel to the class will provide lessons on the ideas
of 'don't judge a book by its cover' and understanding that there
are two sides to a story, not one. This book can be compared to the
likes of Rainbow Rowell's novels Fangirl and Eleanor and
Park and Sarah Crossan's standalone Apple and Rain.
Samantha May (Student)