The world's worst children by David Walliams

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Ill. by Tony Ross. HarperCollins, 2016. ISBN 9780008197049
(Age: 8+) Recommended. Humour, Behaviour. Prefaced by a local shopkeeper who exhorts children not to read this book, lest they be encouraged to copy the behaviours shown, no child will resist the ten stories held within. Each describes the antics of one child and the rotten things they get up to. Even the names of the chapters will have readers giggling to themselves. Who could resist reading about Dribbling Drew, Peter Picker or Windy Wendy.
One chapter entitled Grubby Gertrude is about the girl who never throws anything out so her bedroom is more like a rubbish tip. She must wade through ankle deep rubbish to get to her bed, and despite her mother's efforts with a sturdy vacuum cleaner, nothing changes. That is until one night a rubbish monster appears from the leavings on her floor. Lots of fun with a cautionary ending will have readers laugh out loud at the grime, taking note that they may have some similarities with Gertrude.
Opening each chapter drags the reader into a story about these repulsive children. Readers will recognise the characters immediately and snigger at the antics they get up to. And Tony Ross' illustrations are just wonderful, and along with the layout of the book with differing fonts and font sizes, adds an extra level of interest to the eager readers. David Walliams has certainly filled a niche and his stories will be eagerly sought after in bookshop and library or wrapped as a present.
Fran Knight