The world's worst children 3 by David Walliams

HarperCollins, 2018. ISBN 9780008304607
Highly recommended. Where do I start when telling you about David
Walliams "The worlds worst children 3"?! What an awesome storyteller
he is!
This book is full of 10 short stories about a variety of horrible
children or sibling groups who really are, as the title suggests,
the worlds worst! They are terrible, awful, mean, nasty, stinky,
gross, absolutely HORRENDOUS children, and after reading this book I
am thankful for my well behaved spawn.
My almost 8 year old son and I read this book, and laughed the whole
way through. David Walliams has the most incredible way of writing
these stories that are appealing to so many different stages of
readers. My son is a reluctant reader and would much prefer to be
read to - however this book got his attention and hooked him in! He
wanted to read it on his own which is a huge tick for me. The
shorter chapters (each their own horrible story about another
despicable character) meant that he could read them himself, with
little help from an adult and also capture his imagination and sense
of humour to keep him going.
My almost 4 year old also enjoyed listening and added in her fair
share of laughs or often an 'Eeeww" or "that's yuk Mummy!" followed
by laughter!
In addition to this the wonderful illustrations by Tony Ross
compliment the story and help to increase understanding of the story
for the younger listeners. They also made us laugh out loud even
more! His drawings are both gruesome and lively, funny and
captivating. I don't think the story would be as good without them.
The stories include Tandy who tantrums so badly her parents
eventually leave her and move to Australia (and can still sometimes
hear her), Hank who played pranks on his poor family and eventually
had one turn on him and go terribly wrong and of course the triplets
who were the most disgusting children I have ever read about (but I
will let you read that story for yourself!).
This is the first of "The world's worst children" series that we
have read and I am going to go and find the first two as we loved
them so much. Definitely 5 out of 5 stars!
Lauren Fountain