The world of Ruby Red Shoes: A book about Ruby's feelings by Kate Knapp

Angus and Robertson, 2019. ISBN 9781460756928.
(Age: 3-7) Recommended. Ruby Red Shoes is a little white hare who
loves to share her feelings with readers. With beautiful, soft
illustrations all of Ruby's emotions flow off the pages of this
delightful little book, which will prove to be one that is shared
again and again. 'When I feel happy, all the world seems light'
starts off Ruby, who then goes on to talk about feeling shy, curious,
surprised, grateful, cross, sorry, tired, scared, peaceful, sad,
worried, safe and love. Each feeling is described in six or eight
rhyming lines and often the reader is given advice on how to control
the feelings, in a way that is easy to understand and very useful.
For example, when Ruby feels scared:
So to calm my nerves I breathe deep and slow
Then away in a minute the scared feeling goes.
There is so much useful information packed into one little book in
an easy to read aloud style which doesn't feel didactic or forced.
The advice given would be welcomed by any adult reading the book
aloud to a preschooler, as well as for any child who, captivated by
the gorgeous drawings, has a go at reading it alone. It would also
fit in beautifully with a Wellness program run in a school.
Pat Pledger