The words in my hand by Guinevere Glasfurd

Two Roads, 2016. ISBN 9781473617865
(Age: 14+) Recommended. The Words in my Hand is an
interesting historical fiction about Dutch maid, Helena Jans, and
her time with the philosopher, Descartes. At the time however,
Descartes lived a life of danger, continuing to write and publish
against the wishes of the church. Because of this, their affair had
to be suppressed, least the church seize the sin and campaign
against him.
The story follows Helena and her journey to her first placement as a
maid, in the house of Mr. Sergeant. The only one willing to have a
literate maid, Mr. Sergeant decides to test Helena's literacy by
offering her a quill and ink and instructing her to write. Finding
her severely lacking after their first session, Mr. Sergeant
dismisses her and leaves her to the usual duties of a maid.
Determined to better her writing, Helena hoards old quills and boils
beetroot to make ink, for paper, she used her body, scrawling words
by night, and covering them by day. Despite the hard work, she lived
a comfortable life . . . until Descartes arrived. Their affair began
innocently enough with conversation, but quickly progressed. She
first became his student, leaning to write and perform arithmetic in
secret. She learned of science, of French, and of love. But for
Descartes, she was all alone in the world and her life would never
be the same again.
This is the story of a scandal and of the imagined life of Helena
Jans, pieced together through a variety of records. Glasford works
hard to make her Helena a real and believable character who most
women could relate to. Unfortunately some of the French in this
novel goes untranslated, and so might challenge readers, however I
would still recommend this novel for girls aged fourteen and up with
an interest in philosophy and history.
Kayla Gaskell (University student)