The wonderful habits of rabbits by Douglas Florian

Ill. by Sonia Sanchez. Five Mile Press, 2016. ISBN 9781760401863
(Age: 3+) Recommended. Read aloud, Rabbits, Love, Bed time. A
lovely, unashamedly sentimental look at rabbits and their
companionship during the day before they are tucked up into bed at
night, aware of the love shown by their elders. During the day,
after a very early start, they take to the fields where there are
frogs to chase, and sunrises to watch, or ponds in which to laze for
hours, or moles to chase. Each new day brings a range of things for
them to do, including being on Pop's back until he hops so far that
they fall off. The seasons are covered in this look at the range of
activities they engage in, and children will love recognising the
things they do when outside. They will see the food the rabbits eat,
the games they play, the area they cover during the day. But all
roads lead to going to bed at night, tucked up in their den, with
Mum reading them a story before being bid goodnight with a kiss and
a hug.
This rhyming story will be a treat to read out loud with children
before sleep, helping children wind down before being bid goodnight,
safe and assured of the love offered by their parents.
Fran Knight