The wild one by Sonya Hartnett

Ill. by Lucia Masciullo. Penguin/Viking, 2014. ISBN 9780670076970
(Age: 4+) Recommended. Environment, Generations, Childhood. Charlie
loves going into the woods to meet his friend, the wild one, his
inner self. He whiles away the days, climbing trees, running through
the woods, kicking up the leaves, catching tadpoles. When Charlie
goes home, wild one stays behind. Eventually Charlie must go to
school, and gradually his days are filled with learning, with
mathematics and science and astronomy. Charlie hopes that he has not
forgotten his wild self and next time they meet he tells him that he
wishes to be a doctor. He achieves his aim but his days are now so
filled with work that he forgets the wild one, until he one day has
a son.
An allegory for our times, this fable like story talks of the power
of not forgetting one's childhood.
Charlie has a carefree existence as a child, but once he becomes an
adult with adult responsibilities, the life he knew disappears. He
remembers when he has a son, and as life goes on, his granddaughter
is the one he takes to the woods to see what he had learnt as a
young boy.
Things may have changed, Charlie has changed, older trees have died,
some have been replaced by new saplings, but the wild place is still
there. Regeneration and rebirth continues. Life goes on.
Masciullo's illustrations perfectly parallel and add to the words,
offering a clear image of the cycle of life and death, of rebirth
and regeneration. The soft pencil and watercolour drawings show the
city in the background, the woods and river closer to the reader. As
the pages are turned we see images of Charlie doing all the things
that kids do when outside, things that some may have forgotten. His
wildness may have been neglected for a while, but it returns to pass
onto a new generation.
This will have wide appeal. Many adults reading it will recall their
own wild self, long forgotten and it is hoped they may resolve to
ensure their children experience it as well. Children will see the
life cycles, of birth, death and regeneration, and reflect on the
freedom of former generations, resolving too to make use of their
time in the wild.
Fran Knight