The wide-awake princess by E.D. Baker

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The wide-awake princess by E.D. Baker
Bloomsbury, 2010. ISBN 978 1408807576.
(Age 11+) The wide-awake princess can be described as a magical journey with twists and turns on every page and it will make the reader think twice about the many fairytales they have read as younger children. This novel is aimed at girls, aged 11+, who are independent readers but adults alike will enjoy it too (I know I did). The author, E.D. Baker, incorporates a variety of fairytales, from Hansel and Gretel to Rapunzel, as we follow the story of Sleeping Beauty.
Our main character is Annie, the younger sister of Sleeping Beauty (or Gwendolyn as she is known in the text). She is the only one in her land who is not affected by magic - a handy gift to have as she and her friend Liam search the lands for princes, hoping one of them will have the power to wake her sister and her kingdom from a deep sleep. It was a joy to read a story with a strong female lead who rescues the boys rather than having to be rescued by them!
Annie and Liam invite many princes to come but who will be the one whose kiss will wake Sleeping Beauty - spoiled Clarence, Digby who spends too much time in the tavern or maybe Emilio who used to be a frog? And what about Liam? It's only on this journey that Annie starts to learn more about him. What is his secret and will it affect Annie forever? Could he be the one with the magical kiss?
Kylie Kempster