The whisperer by Fiona McIntosh

2009. ISBN 9780732286675
(Age 9-12) Griff is a boy with an amazing
ability - he can hear people's thoughts. He works in a circus as a
putting up the circus tent and doing odd jobs. One day he carelessly
lets the
greedy circus owner find out about his magical skill and finds himself
as an
reading people's minds. Unhappy, he joins forces with Tess, who has a
group of
mythical animals, and together they flee from the circus, and go on a
quest to
find the Whisperer, the young prince, Lute, who speaks in Griff's mind
whose wicked uncle Janko is trying to take over the kingdom.
The story is told in alternate chapters which
flow along easily, giving the reader a good understanding of what is
to Griff and to Lute. There are many elements here that make for a good
fantasy - the good prince versus his evil uncle who is after the
children with the ability to talk to animals and to read thoughts, and
mythical beasts.
The plot is action driven and with enough
adventure to please the young reader. Griff, Lute and Tess are
courageous and
loyal, and the adults in the novel are well developed characters, from
weak, kindly king to the brave Pilo who guards the young prince. The
antics and
dialogue of the dwarf Bitter Olaf and the pirate queen, Calico Grace,
many laughs.
McIntosh has written an engrossing novel
that primary children should enjoy.
Pat Pledger