The Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett

Tiffany Aching book 1, Discworld book 30. Corgi
Childrens, 2017. ISBN 9780552576307
(Age: 10 - Adult) Highly recommended. Fantasy, Locus Award for Best
Young Adult Novel (2004), Mythopoeic Fantasy Award Nominee for
Childrens Literature (2004) (2016), Parenting Book of the Year Award
(2003), WH Smith Teen Choice Award (2003). Terry Pratchett needs no
introduction. An award winning author, he has excelled himself in The
wee free men, which introduces the spirited Tiffany Aching.
First published in 2003, this 2017 edition will delight another
group of readers with its feisty young witch-to-be and the horde of
wee free men in their kilts who help her chase down the wicked queen
who has stolen her baby brother.
The wee free men is an absolute delight to read. Pratchett's
unique sense of humour is evident on every page as he manipulates
words in the best possible way. Not only does he make the reader
laugh aloud at some of his descriptions and dialogue, but he also
makes the reader think about the power and use of the written word:
"Tiffany thought a lot about words, in the long hours of churning
butter. 'Onomatopoeic', shes discovered in the dictionary, meant
words that sounded like the noise of the thing that they were
describing, like 'cuckoo'." pg. 129.
Tiffany is a brilliant young girl who longs to be a witch. Sensible
and practical, she knows that it is the right thing to go and rescue
her brother even if he is annoying. Granny Aching is her
grandmother, a powerful shepherdess, who looked after all the sheep
and lambs on the chalk lands and protecting those who don't have a
voice and from her Tiffany has learnt about doing the right thing
even if it is hard. As the story progresses the reader will grow in
understanding with Tiffany as she works out what is important if you
have power, sympathize with her as she sorts out her feelings for
her brother and laugh at the antics of the wee free men.
This would be an ideal book to give any reader as an introduction to
fantasy and lovers of fantasy who have not tried Terry Pratchett's
wonderful books before will be in for a wonderful read.
Pat Pledger