The watch that ends the night by Allan Wolf

Candlewick Press, 2011. ISBN 9780763637033.
Poet and author, Allan Wolf, gives a fresh insight into the triumph
and tragedy of the Titanic using the voices of twenty four
passengers. The rats and the iceberg have their story to tell as
well! The accounts, whilst fictional, are based on research of
historical documents and give an intimate and personal perspective
to this infamous episode of the past. The voices include those of
the operators of the new, revolutionary Marconi wireless radio, the
captain, the socialite, the undertaker, the refugee and the ship
builder. The reader is able to gain an appreciation of all facets of
ship life and the varied reasons passengers chose to undertake this
ill fated journey.
2012 marks the centenary of the sinking of the Titanic ensuring this
book will be a timely read for young adults. This book will make a
great teaching aid. Every page contains a different voice telling
just a small portion of their story. The momentum builds gradually
as each character evolves. There is so much history, so beautifully
told, that this book is guaranteed to engage the interest of even
the most reluctant reader. All the sources used by the author are
listed as is recommended further reading for the Titanic enthusiast.
Tina Cain
Editor's note: This was
listed on the American Library's Association's Best Fiction for Young
Adults 2012 list.