The war of the four isles by Andrew McGahan

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Ship Kings series, Book 3. Allen and Unwin, 2014. ISBN 9781760291693
(Age: Junior secondary) Young readers have a treat in store when award winning author, Andrew McGahan, turns his hand to adolescent fiction. It is a pleasure to share his skill with words, which makes his young Admiral, Dow Amber, so convincing and appealing, and the many twists and turns of fortune so intriguing.
In this episode of the Ship Kings saga, the legend of his bravery grows as he and his colleagues face the anger of the sea and the monsters of the deep.
Together, they face the dangers of battle and most of all they face the danger of betrayal. With differing factions within the two opposing enemies, the Ship Kings and the Twin Islanders, who can be trusted? It is hard to unravel the truth.
After visiting the legendary home of the Twin Islanders, Amber devises a plan to rescue Nell and the other leaders who stood against the dominance of the Ship Kings. Amber is successful but what has he achieved? Have innocent people died because of his actions?
When Amber journeys to New Island to reunite with his family, he discovers he is hated for supposedly abandoning them and his people. After the horror he discovers there, he rejoins the battle between the two opposing powers with new purpose, his heart set on revenge.
Those who love a fast paced adventure will enjoy this novel and look forward to the fourth episode to come.
Thelma Harvey