The Voyage of the Unquiet Ice by Andrew McGahan

Ship Kings, 2. Allen and Unwin, 2012. ISBN 9781742378220.
(Recommended for 13+) We meet our hero Dow Amber at a dizzying
height on the mast of the battleship Chloe as he undertakes
seamanship tests in this second of the Ship Kings series. In The
Coming of the Whirlpool Dow left New Island to follow his dream of
seafaring in the age of sail. Now the alighting of an Ice Albatross
on the crossbars of the mast foreshadows good or bad luck. Dow's
confrontation with an ocean maelstrom had gained him respect and
Captain Vincente has taken him on board the Chloe to meet the Sea
Lord, Ibanez, on the huge floating city, the Twelfth Kingdom. From
here, Ibanez rules the other 11 kingdoms on Great Island. But
trouble is brewing as his son, Nadal, has departed 5 years hence to
discover the riddle of the North Pole and the Ice Wall but has not
returned, and the question of who will succeed Ibanez is pressing.
It is up to the Chloe to discover if Nadal is still alive.
They survive bitter cold to discover the secret of the Ice Wall and
the shifting chasm to the North Pole. They discover what had
happened to some of the earlier explorers and manage to return
almost home before disaster strikes. Dow is facing death on trumped
up charges but fate intervenes, and we leave him facing his next
battle in The War of the Four Isles. Will he reconnect with the
scarred scapegoat, Nell and will his rival, Diego, defeat him?
These swashbuckling books are unpredictable, imaginative and
beautifully written. There are adventures, battles, cannons,
violence, death, mystery, romance, betrayal and cataclysms. The
detail and pace may deter the younger readers but these books reward
those who persevere and adults will enjoy them as well. This is Boys
Own Stuff which girls, too, will love; I can see them as a movie or
TV series.
Kevyna Gardner