The view from the 32nd floor by Emma Cameron

Walker Books Australia, 2013. ISBN 9781922077295.
(Ages 8-12) Recommended. The View from the 32nd floor is an
uplifting and gentle story where care and concern for others and
themes of loneliness and friendship in an inner city setting and
across the generational gap abound.
William lives on the 32nd floor of his apartment block with his
musician parents and enjoys watching the residents of the apartments
directly across the street with his plastic binoculars as he sits on
his balcony. When Rebecca and her mother take up residence in the
apartment directly opposite, William is quick to befriend her and
together they begin a campaign to change the lives of the residents
William sees from his balcony.
There is old Mr Crispin who worries William as he seems to have lost
interest in life and is definitely not eating properly, and Fabian the
palm grower who now lives alone and irons his holey jeans and who
lives behind the sheer grey curtains which never open.
With the help of cake, visits by the children and some banana-shaped
Post-it notes to remind him to put in his hearing aids, Mr Crispin
begins to reconnect with the world but it is when the children are
forced to enlist Fabian's help to break into his apartment to save
his life that the real connections begin.
Tai chi in the park, lots of delicious food and a party to celebrate
the unveiling of a mysterious statue on the roof encourage all the
residents, even the reluctant Mrs Stavros who comes out from behind
the curtains to meet and talk to their neighbours.
I enjoyed William's penchant for changing his name daily and that
the meaning of the name reflected his actions and behaviour. The
lyrics of the song selected each day by his father became the theme
for the day as well, though I would think most of the references
would not be in the target audience's playlist.
If one young person is inspired to interact with an elderly
neighbour as result of reading this book the world can only be a
better place.
Sue Keane