The very hungry caterpillar's hide and seek by Eric Carle

Puffin, 2020. ISBN: 9780241425657. Board book.
(Age: 0+) Highly recommended. Lovers of The very hungry
caterpillar are in for a real treat with this latest offering
showing what lives in the forest and finally where the little
caterpillar hides. As always the illustrations are exquisite; bright
colours pop out from the pages and all the animals in the forest are
beautifully depicted, each having their own personality, and are so
happy and active.
Starting with bees the large sturdy lift-the-flap show a bright
yellow hive:
Who is in the forest where it's bright and sunny?
Busy, buzzing bees making tasty honey!
Other scenes show little green frogs leaping, and a large brown duck
looking for food, wild birds soaring in the sky, fluffy mice
underground and a fox prowling in the woods.
All the flaps are very well made and will stay the distance for
little fingers that will want to lift them again and again. The
young child will have fun searching for the very hungry caterpillar
on different pages, and the lovely verse is ideal for adults to read
aloud and enjoy.
There is much in this book to delight over - animals to name, little
creatures to find and time to discuss animal habitats and as the
cover states, a finger trail for little fingers to follow.
This is a book that is sure to be a favourite and one to keep for
the next generation.
Pat Pledger