The unicorn princess by Babette Cole

Bloomsbury, 2010. ISBN 978 0747599319.
(Ages 7+) The first in the series, Fetlocks Hall, which tells of a
famous riding academy in England where students are hand picked to go
as a result of their having very special gifs, unseen by most people.
Penny is spotted by her riding teacher as one with just such special
gifts and is hand picked to attend the school. Knowing her parents have
no spare money for such an undertaking, Penny receives a scholarship
and so is derided by some of the smarter more affluent girls in the
school. But the kindness of the staff and other students make up for
this. She is amazed at the unicorns which stand astride the stairs to
the hall, and even more amazed when one of the stone statues winks at
her. So begins an unimaginable adventure which sees Penny installed as
a Unicorn Princess, one with special powers of flight on her horse,
Peach, and given special gifts which she can use to fight those that
want to take the place over.
The fantasy story is highly imaginative as Penny finds her wings and
solves some of the problems occurring at the Hall, not least of which
is the bullying girls. A story young girls will read with pleasure,
seeking out those that follow it.
Fran Knight