The ultimate animal counting book by Jennifer Cossins

Hachette Australia, 2019. ISBN: 9780734418852.
(Ages: 4+) Highly recommended. Themes: Animals, Counting Book. This
is not called the 'Ultimate' counting book for no reason - it really
does count animals from 1 to 100, beginning with 1 blue whale and
finishing with 100 fairy flies. This is Cossin's fourth book about
animals (others are A-Z
of endangered animals, 101
collective nouns, The baby animal book and
of Australian animals), with each having a slightly
different focus. Not only is this a counting book but the animals
are ordered from biggest to smallest. In addition, there are several
short facts included about each animal. Cossins' illustrative style
is unique: realistic yet playful, featuring true colours and
incredible detail. The research that has gone into each page may not
be immediately recognisable, but is hidden within the very precise
illustrations. For example, many pages depict different species of
the one animal (the sea turtle page features leatherback sea
turtles, green sea turtles and the Olive Ridley sea turtle). This is
a book for children to dip in and out of, flick through alone or
share with an adult. It is a superb celebration of the world of
animals and the diversity of life on our planet. In her note at the
back of the book Cossins says that her goal was to 'inspire children
to learn more about the natural world' and to act as a 'reminder of
how beautiful and interesting the world around us truly is'. Her
dedication to her work, the love that she puts into everything she
does and her incredible talent make this a really special
Nicole Nelson