The Truth About Verity Sparks by Susan Green

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Walker Books, 2011. ISBN 9781921720277
(Age: 11-14) Verity Sparks has itchy fingers or teleagtivism, the power to find missing items by thought. It is this gift that changes Verity's life. From a mysterious past and without any current supportive family, Verity a poor young milliner becomes involved in the Confidential Inquiry Agency and helps solve their cases. The kind hearted Plushes, who own the agency become her friends and protectors and it is the mystery of Verity's own past that becomes their focus. Strangely her story seems to be entwined with theirs.
There is a strong sense of danger and suspense throughout the novel as Verity is stalked and threatened. This is especially apparent when Verity is alone and pursued through the seedier streets of 19th century London at night.
This book is a real page turner as there are so many unanswered questions about Verity herself and the variety of characters good and bad that surround her.
The paranormal is a strong focus with Verity's teleagtivism, the discussion of the special powers of a seventh daughter of a seventh daughter and revealing seances.
I do hope I will see more of Verity Sparks as this feisty young heroine is a fascinating character and I feel there are many more questions yet to be answered.
A great read for upper primary and lower secondary, though the book jacket suggests this book is for a younger audience.
Jane Moore