The truth about peacock blue by Rosanne Hawke

Allen & Unwin, 2015. ISBN 9781743319949
(Age: 13+) Highly recommended. Pakistan Social justice, Religious
freedom, Imprisonment, Women's roles. South Australia's Rosanne
Hawke is an accomplished writer presenting points of view not often
heard in children's literature, engaging the reader with stories of
children in frighteningly real situations beyond our safe island,
presenting the perspective of people of other religions and
backgrounds. Her novels overflow with stories of oppressed children
in situations so dire that the reader cannot help but read through
to the end, comparing their safe life with that of the protagonist.
This is such a read: harrowing, confrontational, pulling no punches,
as Rosanne presents us with a fourteen year old girl incarcerated in
a Pakistani prison for the crime of blasphemy. Crowds are stirred up
outside her prison walls, calling for her death, while legal rights
activists and friends try to stir the world's conscience and support
this young girl.
This story raises so many issues: the age of a prisoner, her
vulnerability to the sexual attentions of guards, her victimistion
by those inside prison who see her as a blasphemer, the ease with
which crowds become lynch mobs. In Pakistan the government and legal
system are not separate from religion, and because she is a
Christian in a strongly Muslim country she is especially vulnerable.
The internet proves to be a powerful tool in acquainting the word of
her plight. People rally to sign a petition, write letters, and
offer support, but when her social justice lawyer is shot and
killed, her fate seems sealed.
This is a engrossing story of one girl's plight, based upon a true
story and paralleling that of Malala, the young woman shot in
Pakistan in 2012, and is sure to raise gasps from those who read
with growing unease and incredulity at people's restrictions in this
modern age.
Fran Knight