The Tree by Graeme Base

Puffin, 2020. ISBN: 9781760897048.
(Age: 4+) Highly recommended. Enticing illustrations will draw
readers into this latest offering by award winning Base (Animalia)
and they will linger over its message of sharing and working
together. A curly-haired cow with long horns and eyelashes and a
cute little duck linger under a beautiful big tree. Cow looks up and
sees mooberries while Duck looks amongst the roots and see
mushquacks. Both are happy with the tree, Cow building herself a
castle in its branches and pulling up the drawbridge, while Duck has
an underground hideout with a secret entrance. However, when a storm
bends the tree Cow and Duck notice each other and believe that their
mooberries and mushquacks are under threat. Then another storm blows
the tree over and Cow and Duck must cooperate to help a new tree
Base's illustrations are delightful. Both Cow and Duck come alive
with their individual characteristics. The tree is a character in
itself and the details of the castle in its branches and the
hideaway in its roots are amazing. The double page spread that shows
the tree against a beautiful dark blue night sky, with Cow perched
in his castle looking at the sunset, and Duck lounging in his
deckchair underground is beautifully drawn and memorable. Other
animals who live in the tree peep out through the leaves and scamper
around and readers will enjoy finding and naming them.
The narrative reads aloud well and finally shows the futility of
pulling up the drawbridge in Cow's case or hiding the entrance by
Duck. When they have to grow another tree, readers will be happy to
see that creatures can live along side each other, sharing and
helping each out.
Pat Pledger