The traitor's game by Jennifer A. Nielsen

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Scholastic, 2018. ISBN 9781742997643
(Ages 12 +) Recommended. Fantasy. After being in hiding for several years from her father and the cruel king of Antora, Kestra Dallistor is forced to decide whether to betray her father or lose loved ones.
The story is set in medieval times and follows two main characters, Kestra Dallistor and Simon Hatch. Both are stubborn, brave and loyal, but have come from different backgrounds and are forced to form an alliance. Kestra is kidnapped by the Coracks who plan to kill the king with the Olden Blade and overtake the kingdom. Much of the story is set within castles and forests. The king's soldiers have hearts with iron in them. The Coracks are able to detect when the soldiers are coming because they can detect the iron in their hearts and this gives them an advantage when they go in to battle.
The king's army comes and tries to kill the Coracks and Kestra after they get the Olden Blade back but the suspense does not stop there, as the magic of the Olden Blade is quite complicated. Only certain people can touch the blade including 'The Banished', and if anyone else touches it their hands become seriously burnt.
Neilsen cleverly illustrates the many twists and turns in the traitor's game, leaving the reader guessing and intrigued to find out what will happen next.
This book is recommended for 12+ and people who love to read fantasy.
Lara F., Student, Year 7