The tomorrow code by Brian Falkner

Walker Books, Australia, 2008. Random House Books (US)
(Ages 12+) Highly recommended. 'Crack the code or tomorrow is history'
is the phrase on the front cover of this thrilling sci fi novel that
looks at how people are exploiting the world and how nature might fight
back against an ecological disaster. Teenagers Tane and Rebecca receive
a coded message from the future, warning them about catastrophic
devastation that only they can prevent. Together with Fatboy, Tane's
brother, they must decipher the clues and try and stop the shapes in
the mist made by an experiment gone wrong, from killing everyone in the
Don't be put off by the rather bland cover, this is one of the most
exciting thrillers that I have read and I feel it can be compared with
Patrick Ness's The knife of never letting go for sheer
suspense. I read
this book in one sitting. It has a tightly plotted story line that
compels the reader to keep reading.
The three main characters have to use their intelligence to crack the
codes. They work out how to win a lottery and use the proceeds to buy a
submarine called Mobius. Lots of exciting action follows involving
driving the submarine to an isolated island where research is being
undertaken, riding motorbikes and fighting as ecowarriors. The three
teenagers are believable, well rounded characters, with sibling rivalry
and a dysfunctional mother well portrayed.
As well as people who love a good thriller, readers who enjoy
mathematics, codes and technology will be fascinated by the science
behind the book and can read about it at the book's site. It is on the
shortlist for the Esther
Glen Award.
Pat Pledger